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Saturday, 10 November 2012

Luggage Tags

I have been playing around this last week with the new Candelight Christmas Designer Fabric featured in the new Holiday Catalogue.

I really liked the idea of an unique luggage tags to identify my suitcases when I am travelling.  I designed the following luggage tag as all the other patterns and designs I found on the internet were quite involved and I wanted something that was quick to run up on the sewing machine and did not involve interfacing and wadding.  I have posted the instructions on how I made this at the bottom of this post.

Now that I have created my luggage tags all I need now is the holiday to go with them.



1 fat quarter
Window Sheet
On-Board Sheet


1.         Cut 1 piece 3 ¼” x 5 ¼” – put to one side.

2.         Cut a strip 1 ¾” wide by length of fabric.   Cut a piece of Window Sheet 2” x 4”.  Stitch the fabric around the Window Sheet, using a ¼” seam allowance.

3.         Trim down strips around the Window Sheet to 1” wide.

4.         Cut a piece of 3 ½” x 2” piece of fabric.  Turn under ¼” on long side and press, turn under another ¼” and stitch down.  Attach this piece to one short side of the Window Sheet piece (front piece).

5.         Cut a strip of fabric 13 ½” x 2”.  Fold in ¼” on each side and press.  Fold in half lengthwise so that the raw edges are now folded into the middle of the fabric,  press.  Stitch down each side of the strip.   This is the tab strip.

6.         On the backing piece, turn under a 1/4" double hem and stitch down.

7.         Lay the back piece down, right side facing up.  Put the tab strip down, making sure that the tab is on the inside.  Put the front piece down, right side facing down making sure that the end with the overlap is at the other end to the tab strip.  Stitch down both long sides and across the end with the tab strip on it. 

8.         Turn correct side out, press lightly with a warm iron being careful not to melt the Window Sheet.  This is the back view of the tag.

9.         Using the On-Board Sheet, cut a piece 1 ¼” x 4 ¾” for the insert. 

10.       Make a name and address information on the computer for the luggage tag.

Name ______________________________________

Address ____________________________________



Print the name and address information and glue to the On-Board Sheet.  Insert this into the Luggage Tag, making sure that the piece is behind the over flap so that it does not come loose. The luggage tag is now finished.


  1. Such a great idea. Now if I would just pull out my sewing machine and dust it off!! Thank you so much for sharing the instructions. These would make a great little hostess gift.

  2. Fabulous idea Carolyn, well done!
